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Generics for small, fixed-size vectors

November 15, 2010

Recently, I decided to clean up and release a small library which I hacked together several months ago and then all but forgot about. I find it quite amusing; perhaps you will, too.

The library implements a framework for computing with small, fixed-size vectors such as complex numbers or coordinates. My goal was to be as generic and efficient as possible. In particular, it should be easy to generically define common functions such as dot product or magnitude for vectors of arbitrary arity and to add new vector types and operations. Equally importantly, there shouldn’t be any run-time overhead – all operations should be as fast as if they were written by hand.

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Sparking imperatives

April 21, 2010

Here is a fun hack I came up with while working on vector and repa. One way to express parallelism in Haskell is to write x `par` y (this comes from package parallel). This is equivalent to y but tells the compiler that it might be a good idea to start evaluating x in parallel with y. Read more…

vector 0.5 is here

February 15, 2010

Version 0.5 of package vector is finally on Hackage! I was going to release it about a month ago but just never found the time. It has a lot more functionality than previous versions, is much more usable and significantly faster. Here are the main highlights: Read more…

NoSlow: Microbenchmarks for Haskell array libraries

November 27, 2009

Over the last couple of days, I have implemented a small benchmark suite which tries to measure the performance of various Haskell array libraries, with particular emphasis on finding out how well they are able to fuse things. It is now on Hackage under the very creative and imaginative name NoSlow (Haskell seems to have gained a tradition of naming benchmark suites nosomething). What it does is compile and run a set of micro-benchmarks using these libraries: Read more…

Tricking GHC into evaluating recursive functions at compile time

November 5, 2009

Here is a trick I came up with for a project of mine. Suppose you have a GADT like this very simple one:

data T a where
  TInt  :: Int -> T Int
  TPair :: T a -> T b -> T (a,b)

and a function which does something with it:

sumT :: T a -> Int
sumT (TInt n) = n
sumT (TPair l r) = sumT l + sumT r

Now, let’s use the two:

term = TPair (TPair (TInt 1) (TInt 2)) (TInt 3)
foo = sumT term

Since foo is constant, we would expect GHC to evaluate it at compile time and just bind it to 6 in the compiled code, right? Read more…

Profiling with stream fusion

October 30, 2009

As we move on to bigger examples in DPH, identifying performance problems just by staring at the Core output becomes somewhat difficult. We’ve finally reached a point where we actually have to profile DPH programs and identify slow loops. But how? Cost centre profiling isn’t supported by the vectoriser and in any case, it works on the Haskell source whereas we are interested in loops generated by the vectoriser. Ticky-ticky profiling happens a bit too late, when all those loops have been transformed into something mostly unrecognisable. It also seems to have problems with -threaded. Looks like we have to implement it ourselves… Read more…

Talk on “Loop Fusion in Haskell”

October 22, 2009

I gave a talk about loop fusion in Haskell today at FP-Syd, the Sydney Functional Programming group. It covered stream fusion and fusion for distributed types which are two of the optimisations that make Data Parallel Haskell fast.

Talk on “Generics in Data Parallel Haskell”

October 3, 2009

Here are the slides for my talk on the use of generics in the implementation of Data Parallel Haskell at the SAPLING meeting yesterday. This is where Instant Generics come from.

Squinting at fusion

September 29, 2009

This being my first blog post and all, I’ll try to maximise boredom and minimise readability by writing as few lines of text as possible. Here we go… Read more…